I've been mapping for a while now so I'm familiar with Hammer, but I'm new to the sounds portion of mapping so my previous maps have been for the most part, silent.
what I want to do is play a global-range non-looped sound in a multiplayer map that can only be heard by the person triggering that sound from different locations.
I've seen the online documentation for env_soundscape_triggerable and it seems to be what I need, but the documentation doesn't say how to make the sound play only once (NOT LOOPED)
Re: soundscape play sound only once?
2You can do that by using a point_clientcommand to command "playgamesound directory\soundname.wav". For it to work, the player has to be the one to initiate the event, such as walking through a trigger or hitting a button.
Re: soundscape play sound only once?
3Dives wrote:You can do that by using a point_clientcommand to command "playgamesound directory\soundname.wav". For it to work, the player has to be the one to initiate the event, such as walking through a trigger or hitting a button.
your solution didn't work, but you did point me in the right direction!
name cmd_bell
OnUser1 !self Command PlayGameSound MySoundScript.Sound
OnStartTouching cmd_bell FireUser1
maps/<map name>_level_sounds.txt
Code: Select all
channel CHAN_AUTO
volume VOL_NORM
wave "ambient/levels/canals/windchime2.wav"
this method, although a bit complex, did work!
now my mall shop doors rings the chime every time someone walks through the door