Code: Select all
VertexLitGeneric { // UnlitGeneric, VertexLitGeneric. Tried both.
$basetexture bla\bla\blbalala
$model 1
$translucent 1
//$alphatest 1, tried both.
//$additive 1
$surfaceprop glass
//$nodecal 1
Code: Select all
VertexLitGeneric { // UnlitGeneric, VertexLitGeneric. Tried both.
$basetexture bla\bla\blbalala
$model 1
$translucent 1
//$alphatest 1, tried both.
//$additive 1
$surfaceprop glass
//$nodecal 1
That worked! Thanks!Black_Stormy wrote:Try compiling the model with $mostlyopaque. Otherwise you probably will need to split them up.