[SOLVED] Model transparency issues

I have a model that uses three different textures. One of them is supposed to act as a glass. It looks fine in the editor, but in-game rest of it cuts off due to the other parts of the model. I've tried changing shader types on all of the textures.


Code: Select all

VertexLitGeneric { // UnlitGeneric, VertexLitGeneric. Tried both.

	$basetexture bla\bla\blbalala
	$model 1

	$translucent 1
	//$alphatest 1, tried both.
	//$additive 1

	$surfaceprop glass
	//$nodecal 1

Do I really have to separate the glass and the rest of the model?
Last edited by Mehis on Tue Jul 22, 2014 4:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.