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Regarding animating shared QC, poses, and ikrule

PostPosted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 4:46 am
by Xendrid

I decided to do character animation. Currently modding Source SDK Content stuff. Which is the DoD stuff. Anyway, if you want to keep the floating left hand on the two handed weapon (K98 for example) you have to add "ikrule lhand touch "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand"" to the macro for the desired Idles in the SDK_Player_Shared QC. This locks the left hand position to move in conjunction with the right hand which has the main weapon bone. So I animate all the poses for idles, right? Well turns out that ikrule for some reason moves the left arm position up. Any animation such as a reload or a melee attack will not have the ikrule lock. So when you reload the left arm snaps back to my original pose and then plays the animation. Once the animation is finished it snaps back to wherever the ikrule wants it to be.

I can move the arm to the approximate location that the ikrule moves it to which makes the effect almost not noticeable, but that requires a lot of trial and error and moving the arm to positions that look odd for the pose. Is there some other way to set this up to make it so the ikrule does not change the translation of the left arm on the idle poses? Any input is appreciated. :)

The whole line:
Code: Select all
$sequence StandIdle_$name$  "Idle_Poses_Standing"  frame $frame$ $frame$ origin -6 0 0 loop numframes 16 addlayer aimmatrix_idle        activity ACT_DOD_STAND_IDLE_$name$ 1 ikrule lhand touch "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand" cmdlist foottouch

Re: Regarding animating shared QC, poses, and ikrule

PostPosted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 9:12 am
by Stormy
I really hope someone can help you out because that is an in depth problem. I'd like to see if there is an elegant solution myself. I probably just would have gone in an animated it all with the other hand in there and re-exported the animation smds and recompiled without IK stuff. IK stuff is confusing man.

Re: Regarding animating shared QC, poses, and ikrule

PostPosted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 2:40 am
by Xendrid
I don't know why I didn't read this before, but on the wiki for $ikchain it says:
Depending in the specific ikrule used, when the end_joint is moved into the needed position, the top_joint's position is assumed to be fixed, and the IK system positions the middle_joint so that the distances between the joints (ie the bone lengths) remain constant.

So the middle_joint is the LeftElbow. That is what is moving to keep the "distances between joints constant". Is there any possible way to override that? Or is there an alternative for keeping the left hand on the weapon? If you take off the ikrule the hand moves with the breathing idle animation and does not stick to aim_matrices.