10 years on from the hayday of mapping

I still can't get my head around it, HL2 used to be so new.

Before HL2, in my early teens I tried making a few maps for HL1 but that was before I could piece together a coherent map and before I had internet access to help with the numerous compile problems. I still remember the excitement and disbelief that I could make whatever I wanted when I discovered Hammer.

Then when HL2 came out is when I got into mapping "properly". I remember it felt so modern and up to date! I was 16 when I released my first map in summer 2006.

Holy crap, just found someone recording themselves playing it on youtube


Didn't expect to see that all these years later! :o

2006-10 those were the days!

I made four maps, "City-13", "gut_rot" (it was just literally a few rooms, trying to go for quality and gameplay over quantity but went too far) "Courtyard" and finally "Corridors". I always loved the creativity of mapping, building an environment and giving it an atmosphere but it's just so damn labour intensive for the amount of gameplay you get out of it!

I noticed that a lot of people into mapping were quite hardcore computer tech types, but that was not my calling to work in the computer industry.

Mapping and gaming was just something that I could do that didn't require any money, I had no luck getting a job in my teens so didn't have a "real life" to get in the way to speak of.

Don't get me wrong I have many fond memories of gaming, especially HL2 and mapping for it, but I wish I had a real life.

So what is everyone else doing then?

Re: 10 years on from the hayday of mapping

haha what a nice thread to see taking a visit back to 'lopers!

I stopped mapping so much when I started uni and learned 3d modelling... which felt like a very painful transition at the time. Eventually I just did 3d art and forgot all my ideas of level design, without really thinking about it.

Now I'm happily making games as a 3d artist, so I'm incredibly thankful for the collective knowledge of Interlopers, TWHL and the Snark Pit back when I first picked up HL.

...Jesus Half Life 2 did used to be so new didn't it.