SiN Episodes Canned

A little old, but I feel that those who enjoyed SiN Episode One will be dissapointed.
It appears that developer Ritual is having some issues. Staff departures have crippled the studio's current plans, and caused it to cancel the series. The recent leaving of the Studio Director has been the final straw in a series of turnovers including SiN's project manager and QA lead. All in all, the changes have amounted to the end of the line for SiN, killing the first ever true episodic installment video game.
Source from

This is a terrible blow for episodic content, could this be a future of things to come? Or just a one-off? Only time may tell.

No sure if anyone remembers but it was actually shit. If people make episodic content that is really good it will survive easy.

Plus the hype for this was ridiculous.

I love how they try to make it sound like it was because it was an episodic games and this is going to happen to all companies who do episodic content. It's not that. It's just internal problems with people, it could have happened to any company, no matter what they make, wether it's any kind of video game or any other product.
source-maps wrote:a Quad Core CPU , arent that like 4 cpus?
Club No Release

I seriously HOPE this is the shape of things to come. I dislike episodic content. It drives me nuts. I'm too much a sucker to resist HL2 episodic content, but I'm almost unwilling to give other stuff a shot. I don't read a third of a book and then put it down, I don't want to play a third of a game. I loved the original SiN and was disappointed that the last game was such a letdown, but I had hoped they would pull out something decent in the end at least. Oh well, not to be so.
