Hypovolemia Mod Looking 4 Modelers

Discuss modifications and also recruit team members.

Hypovolemia Mod Looking 4 Modelers

Postby defragen1 on Thu Apr 28, 2011 10:45 am


Hypovolemia is a competitive 3rd person shooter.
The players assume control of a covert special forces team funded by a shadow government.
Your team operates in a compartmentalized manner and will engage in missions involving: raids of underground military installations, neutralizing witnesses and evidence, and securing valuable alien technology.
There are six main factions to control, which clash in a secret war, each with their own unique attributes and directives established by their unbeknownst elite superiors.

Hypovolemia Mod Team is recruiting new modelers.

Be able to do one or more of the following:
- Create props for maps
- Create prop vehicles for maps
- Create weapon models
- Create character models
- Animate characters or prop models ( such as flipping over tables or animated door models )

Required: Experience in Any Major Software Suite (3DS Max, XSI, Maya, Blender)
Required: Be able to uvmap and texture your own models.
Required: Be able to follow directions, be able to take criticisms and revise your models as needed.
Required: Basic Knowledge & Understanding of the Source Engine

Suggested: ZBrush or Mudbox Experience

***Can work at your own pace.

If you are interested in working with us, send me an email at defragen1@yahoo.com.
- defragen1
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